The girls and I went to our first rabbit show today. We didn't know what to expect and we weren't overwhelmed nor disappointed because we weren't showing and we didn't know what our goal for the day was. I can tell you that at this particular show, they did not have a big arena in the middle of the building with each rabbit being called out individually. There were rabbit cages everywhere and the judge's tables were lined up on the outside perimeter of the building. We watched the judges handle each rabbit while making little comments as they went over every part of the rabbit's body. We spoke with one judge that was taking a break and asked her for a little insight into what we should look for when purchasing in the future......that is, if we continue on after the County Fair.
I was glad to come home to our little pedigrees without papers. Curly Sue, whom we can't decide if she is going to have her kids or not and whether we should go ahead and shear her.
Mr. Meaty, our wimpy male. He is a good boy though and watches out for Curly Sue.
Mary-Kate really belongs in the swine family as she is the BIGGEST PIG! She is constantly eating and trying to eat everyone else's portions.
Oh Cocoa! She is our Yoda. This girl can jump a 4 ft. fence like a gazelle. You wouldn't expect it from her at all. You turn your back for a moment and she is over the fence. She has been on the "bad girl" list lately and has been roped up once she is in the pen so that she does not escape.
Our market pigs are slowly calming down and adjusting nicely to the micro-ranch. The three little pigs rooted up their pen in one day. The soil was nicely turned and I felt obligated to take a rake in and straighten up the area but I refrained.
Piggly-Wiggly took a moment to enjoy the warmth of the sun before it started to leave her.
Gotta move the poop pile - you know how it is - just livin' the dream!
Living the dream, huh? LOL
Posted by: Karrie Baker | February 05, 2012 at 08:06 AM